Memekiller, an NFT Meme Game on the Binance Smart Chain

Memekiller, an NFT Meme Game on the Binance Smart Chain

In our previous article, Gamefinity introduced Safemoon Inu (SMI), an NFT Meme game on the Ethereum network.

You can learn more about Safemoon Inu here.

Continuing our exploration of NFT Meme games, in this article, Gamefinity delves into Memekiller - a NFT Meme game on the Binance Smart Chain.

What is Memekiller?

Memekiller is an NFT Meme game built on the Binance Smart Chain network.

It's a role-playing strategy game personalized to make you feel like a true warrior.

Your mission in the game is to enhance your warriors through battles and collect numerous items and tokens within the game.

NFT Marketplace

To start playing the game, you need to access the NFT Marketplace and purchase NFT items such as Mystery Boxes, armor, weapons, etc., to prepare for battles.

NFTs in Memekiller

Mystery Box

Mystery Boxes are mysterious chests containing weapons and items. There are 2 types of Mystery Boxes:

  • Chinese Brunt
  • Chinese Guard
    There is a maximum supply of 700 boxes, and you can buy up to 10 boxes per wallet.

Each box contains 1 weapon, 7 common, rare, or ultra-rare NFT items.





MemeKiller has revealed a gameplay demo video on Twitter, showcasing what players can expect from the game.

The video demonstrates various modes for players to explore, including their base, PvP arena, and a "Military Campaign" mode.

Staking token

The game has recently launched a Staking token feature. If you have spare KILL tokens, you can stake them with a fairly high APR to earn additional passive income from the game.



  • Community building
  • Game development initiation
  • Business partnership establishment


  • Commencement of MemeKiller advertising
  • Token sale and listing on trading platforms
  • Launch of Mystery Box sales
  • Game test version rollout


  • Official game launch
  • Introduction of Farming & Staking
  • KILL token integration into the game
  • KILL token information and functionality

KILL Token

Symbol: KILL
Contract: 0x0df7f2f0f2a9b64c67f14ac5f1ffac133f1aff7f
Total Supply: 20,000,000 KILL

The KILL token serves as the primary in-game currency and is used for:

  • Purchasing Mystery Boxes, NFT items, and weapons in the Marketplace.
  • Rewarding players for winning battles.

Token Allocation

How to Buy KILL tokens?

Currently, you can purchase KILL tokens on the PancakeSwap exchange using BUSD or BNB.

Watch a tutorial video on using PancakeSwap here.


Gamefinity will continue to provide the latest updates related to Memekiller in upcoming articles. We hope this article has provided valuable information for you.

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