Title: Crypto Classic Battle NFT Game: Krypto Fighters
Krypto Fighters is an NFT turn-based combat game where players trade or hire to train and lead a team of warriors into battle, drawing inspiration from Darkest Dungeon.
Plot and Gameplay
The storyline revolves around a sovereign nation affected by conflicts over resource control and technological supremacy among various capitalist conglomerates. To mitigate increasing environmental damage from prolonged conflicts, they've forged an accord and unified on resource distribution principles.
Private syndicates sponsor Fight Clubs, centers where warriors are recruited into 4-member teams and trained for battles across "Kryptopolis".
Being a turn-based combat game, each side takes turns to fight. Before battles, players can rearrange their warriors and inventory.
There are 8 different classes of warriors, each with unique stats and skills that can be upgraded over time.
During battles, various factors influence victory. A warrior missing their target can demoralize the entire team, while witnessing a fellow warrior sacrifice might deplete the team's willpower. When willpower runs dry, warriors become fearful and unable to fight.
Based on this, two common strategies emerge: focusing on direct physical damage or using tactics to diminish the morale of the entire enemy team.
Adventure Mode (PvE): Battle against AI
Daily key limit: 5 keys
End time: 23:59 UTC daily
Team size: 4 warriors
Unlike other games, in Krypto Fighters, if you end a battle or disconnect during a battle, warrior HP doesn't auto-recover. You need to heal them at the infirmary before continuing.
After completing each stage, players find a "Treasure Chest" containing "Rewards & EXP" inside. Use "Keys" to unlock treasure chests.
Battle Arena Mode (PvP)
Daily energy limit: 20 Energy
Energy recharge time: 23:59 UTC daily
Team size: 4 warriors
In this mode, all warriors start at Lv.1. Levels from PvE do not transfer to PvP. After PvP battles, warriors' HP automatically fully recovers.
Game Stats
Stats directly impact warriors, including buffs. Details can be found here.
Training System
Initially, for the first 10 days of the game's launch, warriors (Level 10 and above) can train new warriors. To prevent significant inflation, each eligible warrior can only train up to a maximum of 3 new warriors every 5 days. The training process also lasts a total of 5 days, during which the new warrior is minted as an NFT tradable.
Training requires JAB and KF tokens. Costs may vary as the game evolves.
Healing & Recovery System
In Krypto Fighters, all PvE warriors do not automatically heal if injured. You must heal them in the infirmary or use a healing item.
NFT Items in Game
There are 8 different warrior classes, each with unique skills and abilities in battle. A player needs at least 4 warriors to play the game.
Each NFT is randomly generated, ensuring unique warrior stats, enhancing individual character uniqueness.
Warrior Classes
There are a total of 8 warrior classes, each with upgraded stats and status. Details can be viewed here.
The game primarily uses two types of tokens:
KF Token
Krypto Fighters Tokens (KF) are ERC-20 tokens within the ecosystem. They manage in-game transactions and NFT trading.
Token Usage
JAB Token
JAB tokens are used for:
Upgrading warrior training
Unlocking new PvE areas
Purchasing in-game items
Building infrastructure
Earn JAB tokens from:
PvE / PvP
Missions & Events
In-game small tasks
Phase 1 (Q1 2022): Completed
Team formation
Game design
White paper and tokenomics showcase
Website launch (testing)
Phase 2 (Q2 2022): Ongoing
Social media marketing
Teaser Trailer release (April)
Full website launch
NFT Presale
NFT Marketplace launch
Beta game release
Phase 3 (Q3 2022)
Contract deployment
Alpha Testing
Listing on CMC & Coingecko
PvE Mode launch
Phase 4 (Q4 2022)
Comic book release
Upgrade training mode launch
NFT Staking
Land Gameplay Teaser
Phase 5
PvP launch
Additional tournaments
Team & Backers
Maxma Game Studio is a startup comprising skilled experts with lofty ambitions. The team includes award-winning directors, developers, and designers who have contributed to various AAA game projects. They aim to develop a high-quality NFT game with a creative and sustainable economic system.
Details about the game's team can be found here.
Currently seeking new investors.
These are some consolidated insights into the Krypto Fighters game from our team at Gamefinity. We find it quite compelling—from its storyline to gameplay mechanics, and the visual graphics are commendable compared to the current NFT game landscape.
Please read and reference these insights carefully. This is not investment advice, so if you're considering any project involvement, thorough research and consideration are essential. We'll continue to update the latest information, so stay tuned.