Detailed Guide on Renting NFT Assets in Kawaii Islands Game on Trava Platform

Detailed Guide on Renting NFT Assets in Kawaii Islands Game on Trava Platform

On October 18th, Trava NFT announced the feature allowing users to rent and lease NFT assets from Kawaii Island on their platform.

This NFT asset renting feature is particularly beneficial for players with limited capital who wish to experience the game. Additionally, it provides an avenue for players to earn passive income.

In this article and accompanying video, Gamefinity provides a step-by-step guide on how to rent and lease NFT assets within Kawaii Islands on the Trava NFT platform.

Detailed Tutorial Video
Connecting Wallet and Purchasing TRAVA Tokens

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Connect your Metamask wallet (used for gaming) to the platform to access features on the NFT Marketplace on Trava.

Step 3: Once your wallet is successfully connected, head to PancakeSwap to purchase TRAVA tokens to use as transaction fees on the platform. NFT assets are also priced for rent and lease in TRAVA tokens.

TRAVA Finance Contract: 0x0391be54e72f7e001f6bbc331777710b4f2999ef

For example: I swapped 10 BUSD for TRAVA tokens.

Renting NFTs

Step 1: Choose the NFT asset you wish to rent, utilizing filters to select the lowest or highest rental prices. Each NFT displays its rental price (in TRAVA tokens) per hour.

Step 2: Customize the quantity of NFTs and the number of hours you wish to rent, then click "RENT."

Step 3: Confirm the transaction on your Metamask wallet.

Step 4: Check your Profile to verify the assets you have just rented.

Step 5: Return to the game, navigate to the Farm Resource section to display your NFT assets, and begin playing the game as usual.

Guide on How to Play Kawaii Islands Game


Gamefinity will continue to compile the latest news related to the Kawaii Islands game in future articles. We hope this article provides useful information for you.

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